Are all your children's stuffed animals dirty? You don't know how to wash a stuffed animal?
Don't panic! kids Design The World and its team are here to help you in your research by showing you some tips.
Soft toys and stuffed animals are undoubtedly the favorite toys of toddlers, small children and kids. However, by playing with them and leaving them everywhere, they risk getting dirty and need to be washed! Despite this, there are different techniques to know to wash a stuffed animal well.
In the middle of our article, you will discover:
- How to wash your toddlers' stuffed animals?
- Your little one's stuffed animals exposed to the elements in your garden.
- How to handwash your baby's comforter?
- The essential elements to wash a plush collection.
- For drying: what drying method to adopt for toys?
By reading this article, you will be able to wash your children's stuffed toys without damaging them in the wash.
Anyway, without further ado, let's get to the heart of the article!

Cuddly toys and soft toys are adorable and fragile baby gifts that should be washed. Plushies are a great way to comfort your baby, offering tenderness and cuddling with a soft rhyme like the bunny or panda plushie. At LPBJ, natural methods free of endocrine disruptors are used for their cleaning. The plush animals of baby boy and baby girl are numerous: white tiger, lion, crocodile, koala and polar bear.
For the cleaning of plush and company: use a water softener
For an ideal washing of the plush in your washing machine, it would be better to choose an appropriate detergent. That said, it would be best to choose a special liquid detergent for sensitive clothes. You can add a teaspoon of fabric softener in order to obtain softness: but do not overdo it! Indeed, the overdose will tend to modify the state of their fur like becoming too sticky even heavy.
The drying process of the plush: giant plush or Liliputians
A centrifugation is essential for the plush and repeat it a second time to remove the water remaining inside the stuffing. This will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes for the lint to dry. Don't forget to take the puppets out one by one, shake them gently and arrange them in the shade. Then keep their original appearance, place the clip on a hidden spot and paint the lint with a brush.
Before starting your washing machine
Afterwards, don't put dark and light colored lint in the same pile. Put a lint in a pillowcase or a net for the protection of the plastic elements: nose, eyes. Regarding the clothing program, choose synthetic clothing with a temperature of 30 degrees.
Take the time to check the condition of the lint
Most of the stuffed animals in the baby room: kangaroo plush, tiger plush, giraffe plush are filled with sawdust and polystyrene. That's why you should avoid putting them in the unit, except for those made of sponge or fabric. Avoid stuffing by securing loose buttons with thread and needle.

Your children may have left their toys and games outside, or it may be a lost teddy bear. For example: a cat comforter, a dog comforter, a stuffed tiger that doudou shop and Baby nat stores sell.
You can find crumbs, debris and also several pebbles in a plush toy given as a birth gift.
Furthermore, adopt a hand wash first and search with your fingers, for stones inside the stuffing.
A great detergent scent: lavender essential oil
In a container, add baking soda in addition to drops of lemon juice or vinegar. After sterilizing the plush, followed by a superficial rinse, you can finally proceed to machine washing. It is also recommended that lavender essential oil be added to the detergent to provide a fragrance and antiseptic to the plush puppet. Educational, these toys can be a hippopotamus, a seal, a monkey, a dinosaur, a raccoon or a cow etc., in a stroller or as a key ring.
Other recommendations for your cute machine washable plush
Blue bunny, pink bunny, cuddly cat, minions or the kiki plush: forget the agitator!
Stuffed animals are similar to pillows, their best machine washing is done without the presence of an agitator. Otherwise with a top-loading machine, a heavy load is possible and washing in the laundry. Washing with an agitator causes the animal to ball up, because the agitator causes the stuffing to move.
Find a mesh laundry bag to put your baby's stuffed animal in
Indeed, if your stuffed animal is washable then put it in a mesh laundry bag. The mesh bag helps protect it from snags and bumps in the machine. When washing stuffed toys, choose the gentle cycle, as they will not withstand an aggressive wash. The heat of the dryer will dissolve the glued or plastic parts of the Disney, flamingo or fox plush.
More infomation about machine washing the plush
Make sure the plush can handle a washing machine before putting it in the drum. To do this, be sure to check its care label with its care symbols. For a complete cleaning of the toy, machine washing is always preferable. Indeed, if it is not very delicate, you could wash it with your child's other clothes.
It is always best to choose a gentle, slow cycle or a wool program. This will help preserve the original softness and shape of the toy after cleaning. Use a mild detergent in cold water. To disinfect the plush, use disinfectant that is safe for colors and white. Otherwise, you could just use warm or hot water. To preserve the parts of the plush, enclose it in a pillowcase or washable mesh bag.
Let the toy air dry as usual. If you want to blow out the fur a bit, use a hair dryer on its lowest setting. As for the dryer, choose a low temperature program. This will allow the toy to quickly regain its original shape without damaging it.
The steps to follow to wash the small plush and the giant plush by hand
There are different stuffed animals such as interactive plush, musical plush to put baby to sleep, plush hot water bottle and night light plush. About hand washing, it only concerns: older or more fragile stuffed animals. These steps are: soaking in water and adding detergent and then hand washing, rinsing and drying.
Soak the monkey or other plush in the bucket with detergent for 15 minutes
First, you should immerse the stuffed animal in a bucket filled with cold water. Whether it is panda plush, teddy plush, fox plush, lion plush or Disney plush, do not hesitate. After that, pour mild detergent in small amount on the baby plush.
Hand washing, rinsing and drying
In order to saturate the stuffed animal completely with detergent, press it gently. Do not rub the old lint intensely, as their strings may become loose or the fabric may be worn out. In the bucket or sink, put cold water and introduce the lint inside and then rinse the detergent. Then, roll the stuffed animal in a clean towel and air dry it to remove the moisture.
More information about hand washing
The classic hand wash is the most beneficial option for washing plush toys, including the xxl version. It preserves the soft and velvety fur of the plushies. This type of washing has a few considerable steps that must be followed for greater effectiveness.
First of all, make sure you choose a spacious and convenient place to clean the lint. You can choose from a kitchen sink, utility sink, large bathroom sink, etc. You can also just use a simple wash bucket. Make sure you have enough clean space to dip the toy into the water. Then put the warm water, detergent and other sterilants into the sink. You should use a small amount of laundry detergent to degrade the rinse. Therefore, use a teaspoon to measure the products and add a little at a time. You can replace the laundry detergent with a child's shampoo. For light-colored and faded stuffed animals, baking soda mixed with detergent is the best choice. In the case of Disney stuffed animals, immerse them in water by pumping and shaking it from time to time. Let them immerse for 30 to 60 minutes. This way, it is filled with the detergent solution.
Afterwards, drain the wash water, rinse and refill it with clean water. Make pumping movements with the giant lint to remove the foam. Repeat this until you are satisfied with the condition of the water. As for the solid toy, you can bathe it immediately under tap water. Finally, lightly press the lint to expel as much water as possible into the drained sink. Remove the lint and roll it in a clean towel. Remember to press gently to extrude the water. Let it air dry with the towel. After that, you may want to use a low setting hair dryer to thoroughly pack the fibers.
To proceed with the washing of the plush collection, the little mary or the snow queen, three things are essential.
You will need a space with enough water to fully immerse the toy: a large bucket or sink.
A detergent like Soak and a teaspoon to a tablespoon of detergent per gallon of Wirecutter water.
Use a towel that is both clean and dry and wrap it around the Barbapapa, mole or stuffed duck you have.
The dirt on the stuffed animal won't go away so what can you do?
A very dirty teddy bear, gives you a hard time, so add a wash booster. We have for example: OxiClean for dirt or a product like Zout for protein stains. However, before using these various treatments, test them because the coat may not react well to the chemicals. To clean Teddy Bear's coat, a long-bristled brush would be ideal, such as a dog or cat brush.
An ideal companion for cleaning blood from animal fur: starch
Nowadays, starch is still used in cleaning delicate fabrics. It is very well known for its excellent power as a cleaner and especially for blood stains. To obtain your own starch, you can use cornstarch. However, if there are still stains from the starch on the plush, you only need to rub it with the moistened paste.
The comforter starts to look grey and the stain persists
For this method, you would need a Marseille soap and patience. Wet the corner of the soap bar and rub the spot. Let it sit for a little while and go over the stain a few times. When the stain is gone, moisten a washcloth and rub the soapy spot on the lint several times.
For drying: how should toys be dried?
Once the washing is done, take out the bag and you can hang the bunny or the doggie or the panther. For this, a hanger with a child's clip or S-hooks will be very useful. In addition, when air drying, use a hair dryer to give volume to your teddy bear. The clips as mentioned before should be hidden.
To wash a teddy bear, it is therefore very important to have some special techniques. As in the way to wash the plush of toddlers and especially if they are left outside. However, there are some stuffed animals that need to be washed by hand and not in the machine. In addition, do not forget the necessary elements for a good washing and also that drying is an important step.
More information about how to wash a teddy bear ?
Cuddly toys are the favorite toys of children of all ages. Soft toy, teddy bear, giant plush...They come in all sizes and accompany them throughout the day.
Whether it's at the nursery, at the park or even during our little errands, our little toddler always has his little teddy bear in his arms. If he hasn't fallen on the floor! And yes, baby's stuffed animal is everywhere. However, he loves to put it in his mouth.
A real headache for us moms. We don't want to damage our little one's favorite plush toy or even take it away for just one day. So it's hard to keep your stuffed toy clean and germ free.
With the right methods and ingenious techniques, it is possible to clean baby's stuffed toy quickly and efficiently, without damaging it and without making it unhappy! :)
More information about how often should I clean a stuffed animal?
You know that your child is overwhelmed with all kinds of stuffed animals. But sometimes there is only one left! The stuffed animal gets dirty very easily and quickly because of all the chewing, sucking and other things. And the weird thing is that your child often prefers it that way. If it is not frequently cleaned, it can cause immense damage to the health of the little one. For those who have a hard time separating from their stuffed animal, consider washing the stuffed animal once or twice a month.
You can always wash once a week, but for a large teddy bear, it should be done according to the circumstances. Be aware that every stuffed animal is unique. Some are more delicate than others. Basically, you should wash them at least once a month so that bad smells don't settle in. Otherwise, the vital minimum for his other stuffed animals is every other month.
More information about when to wash the stuffed animal?
Washing your little one's favorite stuffed animal is always a terrible ordeal. On the one hand, there's the mom tormented by guilt. In reality, she thinks that only two washings a year are not enough. On the other hand, there is the child who is already dreading the separation. But above all, the child can no longer recognize his favorite friend. The latter no longer has the same soothing smell as before the washing. Now he smells like laundry. So it's important to know when to wash your stuffed animal.
More information about how to separate baby and cuddly toy without chaos?
I have a little tip for you, and it worked very well with my child. The comforter went on the road with his friends' comforter. And of course! Moms are all in on it, and we all wash our kids' stuffed animals at the same time. Find a fun way to justify the absence of a stuffed animal that will speak to your little one. Consider his favorite activities. Find an idea that will make your child smile.
One last anecdote: when I travel, and my child has to put his comforter in the X-ray machine. I tell him that the lady looking at the screen is going to look if his teddy bear is healthy. His cries turn into a smile and he quickly puts his little teddy on the carpet. It's magic!
But also, before anything else, remember to check the instructions on the label of your girl's or boy's stuffed animal, and remove any clothes and accessories.
Always test the product you are using on a small area of the stuffed toy first.
Dry cleaning (without water) of the plush
This is the ideal technique to clean your little one's big teddy bear. Here are three practical and effective solutions for washing a lovey without water. The first solution is to use baking soda, that miracle product and all-purpose cleaner for the house. But not only that! Baking soda is also a fully edible food product. This means that the few powders camouflaged in the folds of the plush are simply not harmful to the child. In a plastic bag, place the lint in a mixture of 2/3 baking soda and 1/3 flour. Shake well to distribute the mixture. After 5 hours of waiting, remove the toy from the bag and distribute it briskly to remove all the mixture. You can finish this ritual by using a toothbrush.
You could also use baking soda just for the care of a teddy bear. Pour 4 tablespoons into a plastic bag and shake it hard. Give it an hour's break. Then, remove the remaining product from the teddy with a toothbrush. Don't worry, the lint won't retain any bad laundry smell. Your little one won't know a thing about the wash.
The second solution is a starch cleaning. This product has always been underutilized in the care of fragile fabrics. Starch is extremely useful for getting rid of blood stains, for example. Sometimes your little one gets nosebleeds on his clothes or even his favorite stuffed animal. The protective film formed on the fibers blocks the nasty stains from attaching to the fabric. To do this, either buy cornstarch or make your own.
Cleaning a plush xxl with starch is as easy as a recipe! Simply moisten the powder gently. Gently brush the dirt with the mixture and let it dry freely in the open air. It is important to note that air-drying is always the most effective and recommended method. This natural drying method would never damage the lint. As soon as the lint is dry, all you have to do is brush or scrape the lint off. This makes it easy to remove once and for all. You won't believe it, but the lint will look exactly like new after this ritual!
If the dirt still persists or the plushie looks gray and dingy, use dry Marseille soap instead! It's important to note that even if your regular laundry detergent is more than enough, it's still a good idea to use gentler substances. For example, opt for organic products or products that contain natural substances. Also use gentle products, such as sensitive detergents. Almost any product you can buy at your local hairdresser's will also do when it comes to washing lint.
Here's one last simple but effective tip to save the use of a washing machine on your plush. But also, the plush will be able to dry freely for hours on end in the open air. In short, gently moisten some 100% natural Marseille soap. Brush the toy where there is dirt with this soap bar. Always continue to scrub carefully, even after a thin layer of soap has settled on the dirt. Always be sure to scrub gently in case the fabric is fragile. This is not the time to risk damaging your big stuffed animal! This practice requires a lot of patience and work. Don't hesitate to give the product long breaks for more efficiency.
As soon as you see that the stain is finally gone, dampen a clean towel or cloth. Rub it into the chewed-up part of the stuffed pet. Be careful not to soak other parts of the stuffed animal. To get rid of any soap marks, feel free to repeat this process as many times as possible. However, be aware that this practice will give the plush a strong smell of Marseille soap. As a result, your little one may not smell the comforting scent he used to smell... But you can comfort him as much as possible, since it's a blessing in disguise.
How to wash a teddy bear?
- 3 washcloths.
- A few drops of shampoo.
- Or a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
- Warm water.
- Clean the lint with a washcloth dampened with soapy water.
- Rinse with a damp mitt.
- Then use a dry mitt to dry.
Be careful, check the seams of your plush before putting it in the washing machine. The damage could be quite annoying if the stuffing were to escape from the teddy. Also remember to check the weather, as the sun should be out to make sure the plushie dries as well as possible.
- A pillowcase.
- Liquid wool detergent.
- Or a few drops of shampoo.
- Fabric softener.
- Comb and/or hairbrush
- Put the lint in a pillowcase or laundry net.
- Add the liquid wool detergent or the few drops of shampoo.
- Add fabric softener.
- Put the lint in the pillowcase and put it in the washing machine.
- Choose a wool program or 30°C and a light spin (400 to 500 rpm).
- Let it air dry on a towel.
How to wash lint?
In addition to the above methods, you can also learn other methods, such as:
- Exposure to the sun is the easiest and most economical method of cleaning plush toys.
- Ultraviolet rays can effectively kill some invisible bacteria and ensure the basic hygiene of toys.
- However, it should be noted that this method is only suitable for light-colored plush toys, because the fabric and material are different, and some can easily fade.
- When exposed to the sun, the comforter should be placed outside. If sunlight is radiated through the glass, it will not work as a sterilizer.
- It takes a few minutes for the toy to absorb some of the water, then dry it.
- It is very good to take plush toys outside.
- Add 70°C alcohol to the soapy water.
- Prepare the sink with water, pour in the cleaning agent and mix until completely dissolved.
- Put the fluffy toy in your hand and press it into the cleaning product.
- Then pour out the waste water and rinse the teddy bear with clean water.
- Wrap the teddy bear with a clean, dry cloth.
- It takes a few minutes for the toy to absorb some of the water, then dry it.
- Daylight is best for drying a stuffed animal.
- Before putting it directly into the washing machine, you should put the plush toy in a laundry container.
- You can use the cleaning procedure of your washing machine. It is best to use a cold program and liquid wool detergent (or a little shampoo).
- Use a soft sponge or clean, dry cloth and wipe the surface of the plush with a diluted neutral detergent, then wipe it with water.
- You can take the comforter directly to the dry cleaner.
- Or, buy a special cleaning product for cleaning plush dolls and go home to clean it.
- Spray the dry cleaning product on the surface of the fluffy toy, wait two or three minutes and then wipe it off with a dry cloth.
The little bonuses : my beauty tips for plush toys
- During the drying process after disinfecting and washing, it is necessary to shake the plush toy intermittently to make the surface and the stuffing soft and to restore its shape before washing.
- After washing, I wrap the fluffy toy in a dry towel to avoid hurting the surface.
- I use daylight which is the best solution for drying a light colored toy.
- I use my hairbrush to brush the comforter so that it feels nice and soft and silky again.
So, to wash the plush, there are particular techniques that will be very useful. Among them, how to wash the plush animals of the smallest but also when they are left outside. On the other hand, other plush animals should be washed by hand and not in the washing machine.
In addition, there are certain elements that are essential for an excellent wash and the drying stage should not be neglected.